Friday, November 02, 2007

Tips for Saving Money.

I was involved in patrolling my neighborhood from 3am-5am today(28 October 2007). So I do feel a bit sleepy in the morning. However I met a sparkling interesting guy by the name of Ah Chai who is our new partner. This is because our previous group leader was too scared( his own words) to walk alone after our shift finishes.

He’s 40 something successful businessman and we had discussions on our life, managing families, and the economics.

We discusses and He said do not believe too much on Feng Shui( I didn’t believe a bit - but you readers may do). He had to believe some of it because his friend who practiced feng shui helped him out.

In addition buy smaller cc cars with good mileage. This is because of the escalating prices of fuel. I read today that the government will think of some power generations including nuclear due to this never ending need for that expensive black fuel.

Don’t portray yourself as having too much money because it attracts the thief or house breaker. Be humble and lay low. We work real hard for our money and when he move to a better neighborhood the thieves just want to take that away thinking that we have a lot of money.

That’s all I can think off for now. To be continued.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

They Sang the Song "Dewi" from the Group "Dewa" in my Avanza.


This RAya or Eid, was very special because we have our long lost relatives back from Sabah and join us for the celebration. So My parents in law get 3 grandchildren extra at one go.

Anyway this is one of the occasion where I'm driving them around to go to relatives house to visits and have fun and enjoy the food. They sang so loud, They jump so wild, and they make me laugh. I love 'em all.
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Pictures during Hari Raya

Pictures during Hari Raya
Originally uploaded by zulkef97
We went to a lot of places to visit relatives. Here are some of the pictures.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Baby Sitting Services

I used to have a maid. Well I had two of them previously. Then, they had some problem back home and they went back. Now I really have a tough time whenever myself or my wife has to go outstation just the two of us enjoying some time at the movie or dinner. I wish Malaysia have something like this baby sitting service in USA. it'll be a great service. Which entrepreneur will take up this challenge?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Trying out New Clothes

try out new cloth

Here are my kids at one departmenatl-cum-warehouse outlet. They are trying out for new clothes fro last Hari Raya or Eidul Fitri. I think we were fasting at that time but I'm not too sure. :)

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My son hard at work!

My son Ba-e studying hard.

He has a test or something that day! My wife suspected that Ba-e has Dyslexic. Well he's a very active, hyperactive I would say and he has problems remembering the alphabets. We are looking for ways to help him our so that he won't feel left out in school.

My wife being agood researcher, did some research and found our that many famous, intellectuals are also Dyslexic, so there's future for Ba-e. I'll touch on that later.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Jendela Hikmah: Ilmu keibubapaan jamin tarbiah anak

From Berita Harian

The need to always improve our knowledge about our parenting!

Perkongsian pintar penting dalam merealisasikan matlamat pendidikan keluarga

DIDIKAN TERBAIK: Ibu bapa berperanan dalam mendidik masa depan

anak dari segi akhlak untuk melahirkan individu yang salih.

BELAJAR rajin-rajin, abah tak ada harta dan ilmu adalah harta paling berharga yang abah boleh tinggalkan kepada anak.

Begitulah ungkapan yang sering dilafazkan oleh ayah ketika kecil dan ia
adalah motivasi paling berkesan kepada diri saya hingga ke hari ini,
terutama selepas mempunyai anak sendiri.

Abah dan arwah emak
dalam kepayahan hidup sentiasa berkorban dan berusaha untuk mendidik
kami adik beradik. Pilu mengingatkan bagaimana abah yang hanya
berpendapatan kecil, berkebun dan memancing selepas pulang kerja demi
menampung perbelanjaan harian dan arwah ibu bangun seawal jam 3 pagi
untuk membuat kuih untuk dijual, di samping mengambil tempahan menjahit

Rumah kami dulu juga tidak ada banyak perabot dan
perkakas, yang ada hanya keperluan asas. Abah sering mengingatkan arwah
emak supaya tidak membazir duit dan sentiasa mendahulukan pendidikan

Pengorbanan dan semangat tinggi ditunjukkan ibu bapa
saya mungkin juga dapat dirasai oleh pembaca dan kita mesti sentiasa
menghargai jasa ibu bapa kita. Siapalah kita tanpa pengorbanan besar

Konsep pengorbanan diajar kepada kita dalam al-Quran
antaranya kisah Nabi Ibrahim a.s dan Siti Hajar sebagai ibu bapa serta
Nabi Ismail a.s sebagai anak yang patuh dan taat kepada Allah.

Setiap ibu bapa harus bersikap gembira apabila mendapat rezeki berupa
anak. Allah menceritakan di dalam al-Quran bagaimana Nabi Ibrahim a.s
apabila diberi khabar oleh malaikat bahawa Allah akan mengurniakan
seorang anak lelaki, lalu Nabi Ibrahim a.s menyatakan kegembiraannya
dengan mengucapkan selamat sejahtera seperti firman Allah dalam
al-Quran yang maksudnya: “Dan sesungguhnya telah datang utusan-utusan
Kami kepada Ibrahim dengan membawa khabar gembira, sambil mereka
berkata: “Selamatlah! Dia menjawab, “Selamat! (Surah Hud, ayat 69)

Kegembiraan ini mestilah disyukuri dengan menyiapkan diri dan berusaha
untuk menjadi ibu bapa berjaya mendidik anak yang taat dan mendapat
keredaan Allah SWT. Tugas ini bukan suatu yang mudah dan ia menuntut
pengorbanan besar.

“Setiap anak dilahirkan secara fitrah,
kedua ibu bapanya yang menjadikannya Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi.” (
Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Antara pengorbanan yang
perlu sentiasa dilakukan ibu bapa adalah sentiasa menimba ilmu
keibubapaan tidak kira pada peringkat mana umur anak.

sangat penting demi menjamin tarbiah anak dan kesejahteraan keluarga.
Ilmu dapat membantu ibu bapa untuk lebih peka kepada tahap dan kaedah
yang paling berkesan dalam pendidikan dan menangani masalah anak.

Mendalami ilmu memerlukan pengorbanan masa, tenaga dan wang ringgit yang bukan sedikit.

Sejak dari dalam kandungan seorang ibu bapa juga perlu banyak berkorban
dengan menjaga akhlak dan ibu mendapat makanan berkhasiat serta
sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah supaya anak dikandung sihat dan menjadi
anak yang salih.

Anak dalam kandungan hendaklah dibacakan
dengan ayat suci al-Quran supaya anak sentiasa mendengar kalimah Allah
sejak dari kandungan lagi.

Proses kelahiran dan menyusukan
adalah pengorbanan yang tidak terhingga seorang ibu. Ibu bapa
berkewajipan memenuhi keperluan anak baik berupa kebendaan mahupun

Ibu bapa tidak boleh mengabaikan tanggungjawab ini.
Dalam hal ini Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Seseorang telah
cukup dikatakan berbuat dosa, apabila mensia-siakan orang-orang yang
menjadi tanggungan makan minumnya.” (Riwayat Abu Daud)

ini selain daripada bapa, ramai ibu yang keluar bekerja demi memenuhi
tuntutan ini. Bukan sedikit pengorbanan yang perlu kita lakukan ketika
berusaha bekerja dan memastikan rezeki dicari adalah halal.

Dalam kesibukan mencari rezeki, ibu bapa tidak boleh memberi alasan membiarkan saja pendidikan agama/rohani anak.

Institusi sokongan seperti pusat asuhan kanak-kanak (taska), pusat
jagaan harian, taman didikan kanak-kanak (tadika), sekolah, pusat
pengajian al-Quran dan fardu ain adalah perkongsian pintar dalam
merealisasikan matlamat pendidikan anak.

Ibu bapa perlu bijak
memilih institusi untuk menghantar anak mereka. Pilihlah institusi yang
menitikberatkan agama dan terutama solat kerana cara paling tepat
mendidik anak mengenal Allah ialah dengan melatih mereka untuk
mengerjakan solat.

Memandangkan betapa pentingnya solat
sebagai jalan untuk menjadikan manusia tunduk kepada Allah, maka Nabi
Ibrahim a.s memohon kepada Allah agar dirinya dan keturunannya
dijadikan sebagai orang yang tetap menegakkan solat seperti firman
Allah yang maksudnya: “Wahai tuhanku, jadikanlah aku orang yang
mendirikan solat dan (begitu juga) anak cucuku, wahai tuhan kami,
terimalah doaku.” (Surah Ibrahim, ayat 40)

Begitu juga
Luqman, salah satu wasiat kepada anaknya seperti disebut dalam al-Quran
yang maksudnya: “Hai anakku, dirikanlah solat.” ( Surah Luqman, ayat 17)

Dengan ini sewajarnya ibu bapa menjadikan solat sebagai pilihan utama
untuk mendidik anak beraqidah tauhid. Mereka mesti terlebih dulu
mendirikan solat dan sentiasa berbincang dan meneruskan kesinambungan
pentarbiahan anak di rumah dan tidak menyerahkan tugas ini seratus
peratus kepada pengasuh atau guru sahaja.

Anak hendaklah
dibelai dengan penuh kasih sayang. Untuk tujuan ini ibu bapa mesti
terlebih dulu sentiasa membaiki akhlak diri supaya anak sentiasa
dilihat dengan pekerti mulia dan insya-Allah terdorong untuk mencontohi
ibu bapa mereka.

Hadis yang maksudnya: “Allah memberi rahmat kepada ayah yang membantu anaknya untuk berbakti kepada-Nya.” ( Riwayat Abu Saikh)

Dalam hal ini Allah memberi petunjuk supaya ibu bapa tidak mudah marah
dan hendaklah gemar memaafkan kekeliruan anaknya seperti firmannya yang
bermaksud: “Dan orang-orang yang menahan marah serta memaafkan orang
lain dan Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berlaku baik.” ( Surah Al-
Imran, ayat 134)

Proses pentarbiahan anak mengambil masa yang
panjang dan ia sudah tentu menuntut ibu bapa untuk istiqamah dalam apa
juga bentuk pengorbanan dilakukan di samping terus berdoa untuk
kesejahteraan anak.

“Wahai tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kepada
kami dari isteri-isteri dan keturunan kami perkara-perkara yang
menyenangkan hati melihatnya, dan jadikanlah kami imam bagi orang-orang
yang bertaqwa.,” (Surah Al- Furqan, ayat 74)

Setiap pengorbanan
juga menuntut kita supaya melakukan perubahan bermula dengan diri kita
sendiri setiap hari. Sebagai ibu bapa kita mesti sentiasa berusaha
menjadi contoh kepada anak kita dan ia kunci kejayaan dalam melahirkan
anak yang salih wal musleh.

Penulis adalah seorang pengusaha Taska dan Tadika. Boleh dihubungi di emel

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bahaya makanan segera -- 200 jenis produk digemari jadi punca pelbagai penyakit

Utusan Malaysia Online - Muka Hadapan

gula2, burger, mi segera, minuman bergas, dan coklat.

well nana, family kita kalau ke Giant or Tesco or Jusco or Carrefour akan membeli almost all of this. Walau kita tak minum coke or pepsi dgn byk kita masih beli teh crysanthenum. selalu juga makan maggi. urger + ayam goreng sejuk beku juga selalu kita makan. coklat apa tu yang kita beli...hmmm yang satu balang besar tu.

takpela sambil kita min PS2 dan tgk ASTRO nanti kita exercise dgn stationery bike. Di rumah baru kita banyakkan makan buah2 & sayur2an. kita kena tanam hydrophonik kut ek di belakang rumah tu..:)

Thursday, January 25, 2007


To be a parent, you must be fully equipped! :)

What we should do?


1, Always keep the baby neat and clean.

2, Cut the nails properly with utmost care.

3, Wet nappy should be removed and parts should be cleaned with soap.

4, Take care of the genitals because fungal infection is common in that area. Parts should be kept dry.

5,Care of the scalp is very important.Fungal infections, dermatitis etc can be prevented by proper cleaning.

6,Tight dress can cause irritation, hence dress should be loose and should allow entry of air.

7,Room should have sufficient light and ventilation.It should be free from dust and insects.

8,Separate bed preferably water proof is needed for kids .It should be arranged near mother's bed.

9, Always keep some music making toys near the baby.

10, While carrying the baby support the head with hand.Since the neck muscles are weak sudden fall of head can be dangerous.

11, Mothers milk is the best nutrition for the baby,it also gives emotional attachment.Breast milk should be given as per the babies need preferably in mother sitting position.Proper cleaning of nipple is also necessary.Mother should take good nutritious diet throughout lactating period.

12, If there is some contraindication for breast feeding cows milk can be given.Feeding bottle should be cleaned with warm water and should be kept dry till next use.

13, Cows milk should be boiled and cooled.Some diseases like bovine tuberculosis,brucellosis ect spread through raw milk.

14, Some children are allergic to some substances like food,milk,dress,cosmetics etc.. Try to find out the material causing allergy and avoid such things.

15, Mosquito nets should be used regularly.Diseases like malaria,dengue ,filariasis,yellow fever and etc spread through mosquito bites. Mosquito bite can also produce skin eruptions with some allergic reactions.It also disturbs sound sleep.

16, A calm atmosphere should be maintained for a good sleep.Compared to adults infants need more sleep.It is said that growth hormone secretion is activated during sleep.

17, Growth development,behavioral development,motor development,personal social development,language development etc should be noted down in relation to age. However parents need not be over anxious because slight variations are seen from individual to individual.

18,Assessment of growth by measuring height and weight is necessary.

19, In the early months of life infant may defecate after every feed.Proper toilet training should be given when the infant grows.The infant can be placed on the toilet seat by the age of ten months.

20, The toilet seat (potty seat) should be cleaned with antiseptic liquid before and after use.It should not be shared by other children.

21, If the baby shows some signs of distress like excessive crying,convulsions,fever with rigor,stiffness of neck,frequent vomiting and diarrhea,bluish discoloration of the body,difficult breathing with grunting, ect pay attention and consult your doctor.

22,A first aid box should be kept in the room ,which should contain sterile cotton,dressing materials,antiseptic lotion and ointment and forceps.Separate book should be maintained to note down the phone numbers of doctors, ambulance,police etc.

23,Child's medicines should be kept in separate box.Information regarding dose and mode of administration should be written in a paper and affixed on the box.

24, while driving keep the baby in separate seat belt.

25, When you are going out with the baby keep an identity card with your phone number and address inside his small pocket.

26, When the infant starts walking always accompany him to prevent a fall and injuries thereby.

27, In emergencies take the first aid measures and take the victim to nearby hospital.

Choking :--The baby may swallow some solid objects and cause obstruction. Immediately make the baby to lie on the abdomen in head low position and press the abdomen backwards and towards the chest. Stroking the upper back is also useful. If no result call a trained person to take the material with the help of forceps.

Accidental poisoning:-- Try to takeout the poisonous substance and induce vomiting (except kerosene acids). Wash the body with water to reduce absorption through skin.Identify the poison and take the victim to the hospital.

Burns:--First of all remove the source of heat and put clean cold water.Burned cloths should not be removed immediately. Cover the wound with sterile cotton and take to nearby hospital.

Wounds :--Clean the wound with clean water and stop the bleeding by compressing,raising the wound above the level of heart or use a tourniquet to compress blood vessels. Then dress the wound with sterile cotton and bandage and consult a doctor.

Drowning in bath tub:--Take the baby immediately and keep in head low position ,press the abdomen gently or give a mouth to mouth sucking till the air way is clear. Give mouth to mouth breathing and cardiac massage and take the victim to the hospital.

Electric shock:--Stop the source of current. Then observe the victim,if no breathing give mouth to mouth breath along with cardiac massage and take to the hospital.

28, And the last but not the least, give your child maximum care, love and support to make him healthy and happy for ever.

What we should not do?


1, Never shake the baby, it can cause damage to the brain.

2,Don't keep any small articles near the baby .

3,Sharp pointed articles like pen, pencil, etc should not be given to kids.

4,Avoid entry of water in to the ear while giving a bath.

5,Food should not be given forcibly when the baby is crying or coughing continuously.

6,Should not overfeed the baby.

7,Articles like mosquito repellents ,moth balls,ink,gum,medicines,etc should be kept away.

8,Avoid tight clothings.

9,Should not be placed near the edge of the bed.

10,Should not give the baby to strangers and avoid close contact with others.

11,All electrical instruments should be kept away,and bed should not be arranged near electrical sockets and wires.

12,Kitchen is a dangerous place for children.Don't keep them alone in the kitchen.

13,Water level in the bath tub should be minimum and don't go for any other works(to attend phone call or calling bell etc) when the baby is in the tub.

14,Avoid smoking inside the house.

15,Should not allow pet animals to be in very close contact with the kids.(anti rabies injections should be given to pets and cut their nails properly)

16,When the child starts walking should not be kept alone on the upstairs and should not allow them to climb the steps.

17,Strong light should be avoided in the room.

18,When you are traveling don't give the food articles given by co passengers.

19,Baby should not be allowed to crawl on the soil.

20,If you are sick or someone else is sick be away from the kids.

21,Don't take the baby to hospital wards,crowded market places and polluted dusty areas.

22,Table lamp should not be kept near the kids,this will attract insects at night and cause problems.

23,Others medicine should not be given to the children.

24,Medicine which has crossed the expiry date should not be used.
